How to Choose a Safe Bedside Rail

Bed Assist Rail

For seniors or individuals with mobility limitations, daily activities like getting in and out of bed or repositioning during the night can be challenging, turning bedtime into a source of anxiety and discomfort. Bed assist rails, also known as bedside rails, bedside handrails, or simply bed rails, form a product category aimed at addressing these particular challenges and making bedtime relaxing again. Recognized as adult portable bed rails (APBRs) by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), bedside rails attach to the bed and help in sitting up and maneuvering in bed.  They also provide support and balance assistance when getting in and out of bed.  If you’re thinking about purchasing some for your home, it’s vital to remember that some bedside rails aren’t as safe as others.

The market is littered with unsafe bed rails. In July 2023, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a new safety standard for bedside rails due to serious safety hazards from the risk of entrapment. Bedside rails not tested to the standard pose significant risks such as strangulation or asphyxiation, particularly when older adults become trapped between the rail and the mattress. Shockingly, between 2003 and 2012, the CPSC reported 155 bed rail-related deaths. Today, the market remains flooded with these potentially dangerous unapproved bed rails that do not meet the safety Standard.

Hartmobility bedside rails comply with every element of the new CPSC standard for design, structural performance, safety, and entrapment prevention.  You can rest assured that when using a bedside rail manufactured by Hartmobility, you are using a product designed for long-term use and utmost safety. We’ve spent years researching and testing our products, ensuring that no matter what, they’re reliable and proven to prevent falls, grip slips, and entrapment. Hartmobility bed rails are the ONLY ones with the patented non-slip grip protection of SafetyGrip®. Below, you’ll find our top picks for bedside rails that meet the CPSC’s standard requirements.

SafetyGrip® Bedside Handrail SG450

The SafetyGrip® SG450 comes with a long list of features, all made to comply with CPSC recommendations for bed rail safety. It’s an effective, affordable, configurable, and attractive addition to your bedroom safety.

MoveEasy® Bedside Handrail SG470

Coming Soon! Available in Spring 2024. The MoveEasy® SG470 has been developed specifically to meet the needs of customers who asked for all the features of our SafetyGrip® SG450 model but in a more compact footprint. The MoveEasy® Handrail is a bedside comfort & safety game-changer.

With a market full of untested products, Hartmobility stands out with safe and trustworthy solutions. With unparalleled safety products you won’t find anywhere else, you can rest easy knowing we’ve got your back, literally! 

For more information, contact Hartmobility today at 1-800-998-0774 ext 3. If you are interested in understanding further the changes that came into effect in August 2023 in regard to APBR safety, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

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