How to Install Shower Grab Bars

Wall Mounted Grab Bars

If you or a loved one is having difficulty with your balance or remaining upright, the Kratos shower grab bars we offer at Hartmobility can provide you with the comfortable, strong grip you need. The various configurable installation options combined with SafetyGrip® technology designed to significantly enhance your safety and comfort when maneuvering in and out of the shower.

Where to Install Shower Grab Bars

In order to determine the best place to install shower grab bars, go through the exercise of getting in and out of the shower without the water running. Locate the best mounting position for grab bars based on the needs of everyone using that particular shower who needs grab bar assistance.

Shower Grab Bar Installation Options

The most secure and trustworthy shower grab bars aremounted into wall studs using screws. 

Mounting to Wall Studs

Mount grab bars into a stud that is located behind the wall. Otherwise, if you cannot locate the stud, use an anchoring device if there is sufficient room behind the for such a device to work. Based on your needs and those of your loved ones, you may position grab bars horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Grab bars for shower and bath areas are available in various lengths. The intended use of the grab bar will help determine the length to install. If you want to add a main grab bar to one of the sidewalls of the shower, a 24-inch minimum grab bar should work well. If you want to add another grab bar for extra support on the head wall of the shower, a 12-inch minimum grab bar is often sufficient.

If you have individuals of differing heights within the household who need shower grab bar support, it may be beneficial to place the grab bar at a 45° angle to the rim of the shower bathtub in order to accommodate everyone’s needs. Also, installing a 24-inch grab bar at a 45° angle will match the spacing of wall studs that are spaced at 16 inches, enabling you to screw easily into the studs at each end for optimum support.

The straight grab bars we offer for shower spaces provide you with a dependable and robust safety feature you and your loved ones can rely on daily for enhanced quality of life and protection against injury.
Buy Kratos straight shower grab bars online. Or, if you have any questions about the grab bars for shower and bath spaces we offer, give us a call today at 800.998.0774 or leave us a message through our contact form.

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